Sunday, April 3, 2011

2011-04-03 -- Take time to live

Don’t let life get in the way of living.

I think we all struggle at times to balance our lives: we juggle work, leisure, family, church, etc. to accommodate schedules. I’m guilty of this – maybe more so than most! Sometimes we must really look deep inside ourselves and the activities that we have planned and analyze whether or not certain events are really worth the stress that comes with be “booked up”.

I really started thinking about this this past weekend as I was sitting around the nursing home with my family as we were spending time with my granddad. Despite the situation and the reasoning for us gathering together, it was nice to take time and just be with loved ones. I, for once, was not stressing about the next thing I had to plan or worrying about getting chores done or fixing this-or-that, rather I sat quietly with granddad, prayed with him, read the bible to him, sat outside on the porch with family, held my baby nephew, watched Barrett play, and just relaxed.

I think we all too often overlook the simple pleasures in life while worrying about schedules, deadlines, and worldly things. I know what some of you are thinking, “Isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black?” Sure. Nevertheless, there is still a lesson to be learned here. None of us know when life is going to take a sudden change. While we can’t ever really be fully prepared for a drastic change to come our way, we can live, I mean really live, a life that rewarding, fulfilling, and without remorse. Don’t run through life without living, my friends. Sometimes things can wait.



  1. Beautiful, Josh!! And so true.

  2. Josh you are a wise young man and I am so proud to know you and am very proud of the man you have become. I hope God blesses you every day, and I am sorry to hear about your Granddad. Your comment really makes me think about living life at the fullest in God.
