Monday, March 28, 2011

2011-03-28 -- Noise

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the amount of distractions, disruptions, and busyness in your life?

When was the last time you actually sat still in a quiet place? Did you find rest and comfort without the TV blazing, without the ear buds drowning out society, or without the ever-present talking/shouting from friends/family?

Watch Noise by Rob Bell.

After viewing the video, plan to start making time for quiteness.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

2011-03-20 Persevere

Throughout life we face many trials and tests. There is no end to the types and styles of trials that one may experience. When such events come to pass in one’s life, there is a decision that must be made: resist or give in. Each choice has resulting consequences that then must be dealt with.

In the first chapter of James, verse 12, the author writes, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” (NIV)

Here James is instructing us to persevere through the tough and troubling times. Just like a coach instructs his athletes to persevere and give it everything in order to win the race, James tells us about the victory of life with God for those who withstand the trials. Note, it is not some sort of test that God is putting us through in order for us to merit this crown of life, for God does not tempt or test. All trials and tribulations are makings of our own.

It is easy to lay blame on God when things go wrong. Many times God gets unfairly blamed for the problems we create. Our eyes are often so blinded by the world that we allow ourselves to believe that God is trying us, punishing us, or making a point to us when in reality it is of our own making. Understand this, friends, the Lord is just and merciful. He does not tempt us, nor does he put us in harm’s way. However, when we find ourselves buried under a load that we cannot support, turn to Him who created the heavens and the earth, He can carry it!

Persevere through the troubles and you shall be blessed, for God rewards a faithful heart. No matter the pressures that come your way, remember the words from James.