Sunday, December 19, 2010

2010-12-19 -- Christmas

The day is nearly here – you know, the day that the retail outlets started touting in displays back in October; the day that generates more revenue, stress, and debt than any other day – Christmas is here! Oh, how I long for that long-lost child’s excitement and magic of Christmas; instead I hold hardships of planning, preparing, and purchasing.

Christmas is amazing, though. Aside from the primary purpose of the day (i.e. celebrating the birth of Jesus), this one day crosses into secular territory, encompasses believers and non-believers together in mutual traditions and rituals, and gives the masses a day or two off of work. This day has brought mythology to life, even propelling it above the reason for the celebration. Furthermore, this day tends to make people remember how fortunate they are, lends to generous offerings to less fortunate, and makes for great parties.

Is this what it should be? Should Christmas be this blending of pagan rituals with faith-based traditions, inter-twined with a modern incarnation of shopping frenzy? Although I pose that question, I cannot answer it. I assume that the answer is really whatever you want it be.

As for me, Christmas is a time of family get-togethers, eating too much food, and cleaning up shredded paper. Unfortunately my Christmas is more secular than it is a time of remembrance, celebration, and thanksgiving for God’s grace through Christ Jesus. This year I hope to change this a little; I hope that we openly discuss why we are together, what it is we are celebrating, and the importance of the baby in the manager.


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